My daughter has been training with Jack and Flo for 4 years now and has grown so much in confidence and knowledge during that time. They work really well together as a team and teach the students to do the same, showing each other respect and celebrating everyone’s work. Their Acting lessons are not just about learning scripts or playing drama games, there is always a point to the activity and a skill to develop. Dances are cleverly taught to showcase the best of each student regardless of their level and all students get a chance to shine. They teach a mixture of singing solos and as a group, giving the students opportunity to progress and make them feel safe to try new things. I am always impressed with how Flo and Jack teach so many different children and yet know each one well enough to support them and give them confidence to help them progress at their own speed and ability. They constantly bring my daughter out of her comfort zone but always in a way that she doesn’t really notice. My daughter is truly inspired by
Jack and Flo, especially as they work in the industry and she is aiming towards a career in theatre and teaching, the same as them.